TICA Quad Grand Champion in only two shows!
17th Best Longhair Cat in Championship (TICA 2021-22)
Lovely Sal-Shire Lexy showing Sept 25-26, 2021 in Oaks, PA, lovingly cared for by Clare and Robert
CFA Grand Premier Sal-Shire Mogwai, beautifully and lovingly cared for by Gina in PA.!
TICA One Show Grand Champion, September 2022
CFA Grand Champion & Grand Premier and TICA Supreme Grand Champion Alter
2022-2023 Show season SE Region TICA 11th Best Alter
Best Ragdoll Alter
2021-2022 CFA Southern Region 21st Best Cat in Championship & Best Ragdoll
CFA Southern Region Best Ragdoll CFA Regions 1-9 3rd Best Ragdoll
2020-2021 Show Season CFA Southern Region 6th Best Kitten & Best Ragdoll Kitten

With a limited show season for May 2020-April 2021, Claudette has managed to get two outstanding titles. In the CFA show in January, held in Roanoke Virginia, she earned her Grand of Distinction title in Ken Currle’s ring, and on February 5th in the Anniston Alabama TICA show she achieved her “Supreme Grand Champion” title by achieving Best Cat Alter in Stephanie Smith’s ring. She loves entertaining at shows, so we are undecided if we will retire her this next show season or not, but she will finish this year for sure!
2019-2020 Show season was cut short by two months due to COVID19 and we have not gone to any shows after March. Shows slowly started up in September, but many cancelled.
Showing in the kitten classes…..Sal-Shire Sugar Time
She starts her adult classes in March…..
Sal-Shire Luna’s Kiss of Dolly Ave, CFA Southern Region, Best Ragdoll Kitten 2019-2020
Sal-Shire Aurora’s Kiss, CFA Southern Region, 2nd Best Ragdoll Kitten, 2019-2020

Luna now lives in Hong Kong and Aurora has retired to Kentucky
Sal-Shire Luna of Dolly Ave, Best Ragdoll Kitten CFA Southern Region 2019-2020
Sal-Shire Aurora, 2nd Best Ragdoll Kitten, CFA Southern Region 2019-2020
CFA Grand Champion & TICA Supreme Grand Champion Dolly-Chiny Divine MSM of Sal-Shire, 9 months
2019-2020 CFA Southern Region, Best Ragdoll
2019-2020 CFA Southern Region Best “All Other Pointed & White Ragdoll”
2018-2019 Show Season, CFA Southern Region 2nd Best Ragdoll Kitten
2018-2019 Show Season, CFA Southern Region 3rd Best Ragdoll in Championship
2018-2019 Show Season, CFA Southern Region Best “All Other Pointed & White” Ragdoll
CH, GP, RW Raggymay Claudette of Sal-Shire
2019-2020 CFA Southern Region, Best Ragdoll in Premiership, 24th Best Cat in Premiership
CFA Grand Champion Sal-Shire Cookies & Cream
10 months old!
2018-2019 Show Season, CFA Southern Region 2nd Best Ragdoll in Championship
2018-2019 Show Season, CFA Southern Region Best Seal Point & White Ragdoll
CFA Grand Champion and TICA Grand Champion Sal-Shire Sweet Pea
(Sweet Pea is Maximum Ride’s daughter!)
RFCI 2017-2018 2nd Best Kitten
2018-2019 CFA Southern Region Best Ragdoll in Championship
2018-2019 CFA Southern Region Best Blue Point& White Ragdoll
CFA Grand Premier & TICA Quad Grand Champion Alter Sal-Shire The Boss
2017-2018 Show Season CFA Southern Region, 18th Best Cat in Premiership
CFA Southern region Best Ragdoll Premier
Ragdolls of America Group National Winner: Third Best Ragdoll Premier
Ragdoll Fanciers Club International (RFCI) 2nd Best Ragdoll Alter
SE Region TICA 2018 Best Ragdoll Alter
at 10 months
Below: September 17,2016
TICA Quad Grand Champion Alter and CFA Grand Premier Sal-Shire The Boss
Below: Nine months, December 2016, Triple Grand Champion Alter (TICA), CFA Grand Premier
Bordeaux LTD Sassafras of Sal-Shire is a CFA Grand Premier
Beautiful CFA GC and QGC (TICA)Sal-Shire Merida of Doll Villa
Owned by Lauren Tan in California
Above three photos, GC RW and TICA RW QGCH Sal-Shire Merida of Doll Villa.
Thank you Lauren Tan for caring for her, loving her and presenting her in such wonderful condition!
Merida was TICA SW Region’s 15th Best Longhair Cat 2015/16 show season.
Tess is now a CFA Grand Premier and a TICA Quad Grand Alter!
Nudge is now a CFA Champion and a TICA Triple Grand Champion!
Riley is now a CFA Champion
Maximum Ride……
- Her show achievements are:
- Best Ragdoll CFA Championship, Southern region 2013/2014 show season
- 19th Best Cat All Breed, CFA Southern Region 2013/2014
- Third Best Ragdoll CFA Championship (world) 2013/ 2014
- RFCI’s 4th Best Ragdoll in Championship2013/2014
- RAG’s 2nd Best Ragdoll in Championship 2013/2014
- 16th Best Longhair Cat SE Region TICA 2013/2014
- 3rd Best Ragdoll SE Region TICA 2013/2014
- Best Ragdoll Kitten Southern Region 2012/2013 Show Season
- Third Best Ragdoll Kitten in CFA 2012/2013 Show Season
We also had two other CFA Regional breed winners for the 2013/2014 show season!
Sal-Shire Doctor Who, owned by Rebecca Vann-West was 2nd Best Premier, and 3rd Best Cat in Premiership for RAG
Sal-Shire Second Chance, owned by Kathi Christy was 2nd Best Ragdoll Kitten, CFA SOuthern Region
In the Alter/Premiership class:
QGCA (TICA) and Grand PR (CFA) Bordeaux LTD Altesse of Sal-Shire (Tess)
Photos From Past Shows:
Cattyshack Cats, North Augusta, SC Sept 14 & 15, 2013
Max is about as laid back as it gets! This little girl came to visit the cat show and Max loved the attention!
Below: Grand Premier Doctor Who, owned by Rebecca in Augusta. He is Max’s younger brother and one of Sassy’s babies! Photo taken November 2013 at Cottonstates Cat Show while he was working on getting his Grand Premiership.
Below: CFA Judge Walter Hutzler judging Sal-Shire Doctor Who
August 4, 2013 CFA, Simpsonville, SC
Max made a final in all six rings, 2nd highest scoring in Championship! This was
our best ever show…..
Below: Judge Wayne Trevathan makes Max “Best Cat”
Max and her “Best Cat” rosette
Above: Judge Larry Adkinson made Max “2nd best Cat”
Not pictured, is “3rd Best Cat” in Judge Jacqui Bennett’s ring
Below: Judge JoAnn Miksa-Blackwell made Max “5th Best Cat”
Below: Judge Teresa Keiger made Max “7th Best Cat”
Judge Doug Myers made Max 7th Best Cat
July27 & 28, Spartanburg, SC, TICA
Max made her Supreme Grand Championship title in TICA!
Judge Steve Larsen made Max 4th Best Cat, Spartanburg, SC
Judge Lynne Sherer made Max 4th Best Cat, Spartanburg, SC
Judge Barbara Ray made Max 10th Best Cat, Spartanburg, SC
Below: June 16, 2013 in Gaithersburg, Maryland, CFA
May 25th, Vero Beach Florida CFA
Max made her CFA Grand Championship!
Max, Shelby NC show, 2013
Above: Max being judged, Shelby NC CFA show
Concord NC Feb 9th & 10th
Last kitten show!
Above: 6th Best Kitten Final, Concord NC Febr 9th
Birmingham Al, Ja 26 & 27 CFA show
Max made five finals!
Max in Birmingham (above and below)
Above: At Birmingham 2013
Max being judged, Nashville 12/29/12
Tess being judged at the TICA show in North Augusta 9/15/12
Tess, TICA show in North Augusta 9/15/12
Gros Gris, TICA show in North Augusta 9/15/12
Gros Gris, TICA show North Augusta 9/15/2012
Gros gris, TICA show North Augusta, 9/15/2012
Sassy, April 15 2012 at Atlanta TICA show
Sassy being judged December 2012, 9 months old
Sassy, Jacksonville, Jan 8, 2012
Sassy, Jan 28, 2012 Birmingham